Life Care and Mara Medical Camp, 30th November 2023

Heroes Through Health! In the heart of Mara, where healthcare met compassion, "Life Care Together" medical camp witnessed Heroes in caregivers and patients. Tropical Heat, recognizing the silent battles fought, offered more than snacks. Each bite, a respite, spoke of kindness and shared humanity. The snacks weren't just treats; they became symbols of unity in adversity. In Mara Medical Camp,…

Nairobi Hospice, 6th September 2023

HEROES THROUGH HEALTH! At the Nairobi Hospice, Heroes in the form of dedicated caregivers and patients navigate the challenging path of health with unwavering spirit. To brighten their journey, Tropical Heat stepped forward with, a unique touch of sweetness to this healthcare haven, a flavorful gesture, donating delicious snacks. These treats weren't just snacks; they were moments of respite, comforting…

Kenya Tobacco Control Alliance, 31st May 2023

HEROES THROUGH HEALTH Health is the greatest wealth we possess. It forms the foundation upon which we build our dreams, pursue our passions, and embrace life's endless possibilities. World No-Tobacco Day serves as a rallying cry to highlight the importance of a smoke-free society and promote healthier lifestyles. Tropical Heat extended its support to the Kenya Tobacco Control Alliance (KETCA)…


HEROES FOR HEALTH! It is estimated that at least 10 million children are currently facing severe drought conditions within the Horn of Africa, across Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. The soaring food prices across the world coupled with failed consecutive rainy seasons have forced families to leave everything behind in search of food and water, putting their health, safety…

Christ Chapel Children’s Home October 8, 2022

HEROES FOR HEALTH! According to the World Bank, on any given day, more than 300 million women worldwide are menstruating. In total, an estimated 500 million lack access to menstrual products and adequate facilities for menstrual hygiene management (MHM). This is why we are committed to easing this burden by helping the vulnerable around us. Tropical Heat donated sanitary towels to Christ…

Mater Hospital – 60 Years Celebration September 20,2022

HEROES FOR HEALTH! Mater Hospital takes pride in its 60 years of Heritage including quality healthcare provision, training and research and 60 years of advancing their ministry of compassion, integrity and respect for humanity in service delivery. Their anniversary, was duly celebrated during the religious observance of the Day of Mercy. Major milestones are meant to be celebrated and Tropical…

Together For Africa July 2, 2022

HEROES FOR HEALTH! Together For Africa (TOFA) is a youth-led organization with the vision of driving youth-led interventions on various societal challenges. One such challenge that they aim to address is poor mental health among the youth. TOFA is undertaking a project dubbed “Unshackle Your Mind” that aims to use the healing attribute of nature coupled with mental health talks…

Mater Heart Run June 11, 2022

HEROES FOR HEALTH! Tropical Heat prides itself in being the Home of Passion and this means that everything that we do, from work to after-work activities, to engagements in impact initiatives, has to be done with enthusiasm. Tropical Heat is passionate about making an impact and endeavours to support causes that make a difference in the lives of members of…

Nairobi Hospice May 28, 2022

HEROES FOR HEALTH! Nairobi Hospice is a charitable organization that was established to support patients (adults & children) and families faced with life threatening conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS, stroke, organ failure, congenital anomalies among others. Tropical Heat acknowledges the impact that this institution has on the community and the people that it serves. Their work has also inspired others in…

Sanaa Yetu March 26, 2022

HEROES FOR HEALTH! Women and girls living in the slum communities and in the streets struggle to get sanitary towels and products and their situation is anticipated to have worsened due to the prevailing economic hardships brought about by the pandemic. To help alleviate these hardships, Sanaa yetu with the support of Tropical Heat undertook a project to issue the…

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